10 The tradition of New Year Celebration in the World's Most Unique
Here This is the new 10 year celebration of the most unique in the world:
10. First footing

First-footing or footing first is an ancient tradition of European costumes that continued into the present in various regions. The first person who came into the house after midnight on the first day after the new year should be male, dark-haired prioritized yg / black. People with blond hair / Blondes who is identical with the Vikings is tamu2 who did not bring good luck. People who make first foothold must bring a gift, such as coins or coin for prosperity or hockey, to eat bread, salt, or whiskey to celebrate the cheers. That could be a first-footer is the occupant of the house, but an hour before New Year's Eve must be outside the home. Not allowed out of the house and go straight again!
9. The Irish Wind

There's an Irish tradition foretell the political future of the country by checking which way the wind blows at midnight New Year's Eve. If the wind was blowing from the west, there is the possibility that good fortune will rule that year. If the wind was blowing from the east, however, England will win. Mistletoe distributed to ward off bad luck, and single women put a sprig of mistletoe beneath their pillows in hopes of capturing a dream about their future husbands. Another tradition is to cast a typical Irish bread at the doors and windows of houses. This practice is to drive out evil spirits and ensure the bread for the coming year.
8. Lavish Parties

Madeira, a Portuguese island, holding a place in the Guinness Book of Records for the New Year's party the most luxurious. In 2007, 8,000 fireworks per minute released above the capital city of Funchal with a total of 600,000 fireworks. Visitors from around the world fill the small harbor, where the reflected dazzle. In 2009, the government spent 12 million euros to ensure the celebration of the most spectacular anywhere in the world. Other famous fireworks displays take place in Rio de Janeiro, Sydney harbor, and, of course, New York City, where visitors watch a giant crystal ball drop six feet to mark the last moments of the old year.
7. Ancient History
New Year is the oldest holidays still celebrated. People Babylonians celebrated the new year since 4000 BC. At that time, the new year begins on the first new moon after the Vernal Equinox. The celebration lasted for eleven days, with each day has different goals and activities. Then, as now, the resolution was made. People Babylonian make a general resolution which aims to restore agricultural equipment. At this time every year, the king removed the power and authority to undergo ritual humiliation, where he was hit / punished by the pastor and separated from everyone for three days to pray. When he reappeared, recovery ceremony performed to ensure that nature will support him during the coming year.
6. Imperial Ball

Austria has one of the most glamorous of the New Year celebration. At the Imperial Ball, a tradition Hapsburg dynasty which has lasted for hundreds of years, the dancer wearing a white dress and black jacket. At midnight, "The Blue Danube," is played. The Strauss operetta, "Die Fledermaus, performed every New Year's Day. Celebrants/orang2 who do celebrate all eat the pig - are considered good luck. The table is often decorated with candy pig. The children poured molten lead into a bath of water. A shaman then read the form future leaders. Considered unlucky when bentuka lead resembles an old woman.
5. Chinese New Year

On the Chinese calendar, the year 2009 was the year 4706, the year of the cow. Chinese New Year is celebrated on the second new moon after winter solstice. In 2010, it will fall on February 14. Firecrackers and noisemakers will drive out evil spirits. Amazing dragon and lion who will dance in the streets (not a real dragon lho: Peace. The people will wear red clothes, the color of the most profitable, and red envelopes with lucky money will be given to children. Oranges are often given for good luck, but not to the number ganjilitu considered unlucky, so that given a pair of orange / even. The third day is a day of new yr rat marry their daughter, so people go to bed early, so they tikus2 inoffensive.
4. Japanese New Year

It is traditional in Japan to spend a full week to prepare for the new year arrives. Houses should be cleaned thoroughly, so that the TDA no evil spirits can linger. All debts must be paid, and most importantly, smua disagreements must be resolved and forgiven. Tgh Sbelum mlm, 108 bell rung, to symbolize the elimination of 108 problems. With the absence of problems, disputes, debts, or disorders that must be faced, all feel free to welcome the new year with every hope of peace and prosperity. A day after New Year is the day to Write First, when people write their hopes and dreams for the new year.
3. Emancipation Day
For African Americans, New Year's Day has special meaning, and often called Emancipation Day or Day of Jubilee. On January 1, 1863, Emancipation Proclamation, freeing all the slaves from slavery, was read in Boston. Today, many African-American families continue to "watch service" on January 1. Traditional foods include black eyed peas, collard greens, ham hocks, and macaroni and cheese. African-American celebration called Kwanzaa a unique, continue for seven days starting December 26, so that the celebration of the new year is often a part of the ritual of Kwanzaa to menghubungankan people back to the roots / African race them. Kwanzaa begins in the United States in
The 1960s, and defiantly celebrated in Africa.
2. Auld Lang Syne

"Auld Lang Syne" has been called the best-known songs that cut no one who knew the words. But this year, we will know! Written by Robert Burns and was first published after his death in 1796, the song became an instant requirement / necessity in 1929 when Guy Lombardo and Royal Canadians playing at New Year's Eve, broadcast from the Waldorf Astoria in New York City. The title literally means "Old Long Time." with a rough translation, here are the words:
Should old acquaintance be forgot, and never Brought to mind?
Should old acquaintance be forgot, and days of Auld Lang Syne?
For Auld Lang Syne, my dear, for Auld Lang Syne.
We'll take a cup of Kindness yet, for days of Auld Lang Syne.
We two have run around the hills
And pulled the daisies fine.
But we've wandered many a foot Weary
Since the days of Auld Lang Syne.
We two have paddled in the stream
From Morn till the sun was down.
Seas Between Us But two have roared
Since days of Auld Lang Syne.
So here's a hand my Trusty friend.
Give us a hand of thine.
We'll take a good will drink again
For Auld Lang Syne.
1. First Baby

Using a baby to symbolize a new year has been controversial since its inception. Many cities are watching and paying attention to the first baby born in the new year, the baby will be prizes from local merchants and a lot of media attention. But baby diparadekan on the streets is not approved of ibu2 in Greece from 600 BC. Orang2 Egyptians also used a baby to symbolize the birth of the new year. People who are Christians in earlier times also do not agree with these practices, but eventually the popularity parade menghilankan disagreement was, and remains one of the most populer.Sekarang symbol, the infant is applied laki2 traditional diaper with a belt that reads the next new year number
10. First footing
First-footing or footing first is an ancient tradition of European costumes that continued into the present in various regions. The first person who came into the house after midnight on the first day after the new year should be male, dark-haired prioritized yg / black. People with blond hair / Blondes who is identical with the Vikings is tamu2 who did not bring good luck. People who make first foothold must bring a gift, such as coins or coin for prosperity or hockey, to eat bread, salt, or whiskey to celebrate the cheers. That could be a first-footer is the occupant of the house, but an hour before New Year's Eve must be outside the home. Not allowed out of the house and go straight again!
9. The Irish Wind
There's an Irish tradition foretell the political future of the country by checking which way the wind blows at midnight New Year's Eve. If the wind was blowing from the west, there is the possibility that good fortune will rule that year. If the wind was blowing from the east, however, England will win. Mistletoe distributed to ward off bad luck, and single women put a sprig of mistletoe beneath their pillows in hopes of capturing a dream about their future husbands. Another tradition is to cast a typical Irish bread at the doors and windows of houses. This practice is to drive out evil spirits and ensure the bread for the coming year.
8. Lavish Parties
Madeira, a Portuguese island, holding a place in the Guinness Book of Records for the New Year's party the most luxurious. In 2007, 8,000 fireworks per minute released above the capital city of Funchal with a total of 600,000 fireworks. Visitors from around the world fill the small harbor, where the reflected dazzle. In 2009, the government spent 12 million euros to ensure the celebration of the most spectacular anywhere in the world. Other famous fireworks displays take place in Rio de Janeiro, Sydney harbor, and, of course, New York City, where visitors watch a giant crystal ball drop six feet to mark the last moments of the old year.
7. Ancient History
New Year is the oldest holidays still celebrated. People Babylonians celebrated the new year since 4000 BC. At that time, the new year begins on the first new moon after the Vernal Equinox. The celebration lasted for eleven days, with each day has different goals and activities. Then, as now, the resolution was made. People Babylonian make a general resolution which aims to restore agricultural equipment. At this time every year, the king removed the power and authority to undergo ritual humiliation, where he was hit / punished by the pastor and separated from everyone for three days to pray. When he reappeared, recovery ceremony performed to ensure that nature will support him during the coming year.
6. Imperial Ball
Austria has one of the most glamorous of the New Year celebration. At the Imperial Ball, a tradition Hapsburg dynasty which has lasted for hundreds of years, the dancer wearing a white dress and black jacket. At midnight, "The Blue Danube," is played. The Strauss operetta, "Die Fledermaus, performed every New Year's Day. Celebrants/orang2 who do celebrate all eat the pig - are considered good luck. The table is often decorated with candy pig. The children poured molten lead into a bath of water. A shaman then read the form future leaders. Considered unlucky when bentuka lead resembles an old woman.
5. Chinese New Year
On the Chinese calendar, the year 2009 was the year 4706, the year of the cow. Chinese New Year is celebrated on the second new moon after winter solstice. In 2010, it will fall on February 14. Firecrackers and noisemakers will drive out evil spirits. Amazing dragon and lion who will dance in the streets (not a real dragon lho: Peace. The people will wear red clothes, the color of the most profitable, and red envelopes with lucky money will be given to children. Oranges are often given for good luck, but not to the number ganjilitu considered unlucky, so that given a pair of orange / even. The third day is a day of new yr rat marry their daughter, so people go to bed early, so they tikus2 inoffensive.
4. Japanese New Year
It is traditional in Japan to spend a full week to prepare for the new year arrives. Houses should be cleaned thoroughly, so that the TDA no evil spirits can linger. All debts must be paid, and most importantly, smua disagreements must be resolved and forgiven. Tgh Sbelum mlm, 108 bell rung, to symbolize the elimination of 108 problems. With the absence of problems, disputes, debts, or disorders that must be faced, all feel free to welcome the new year with every hope of peace and prosperity. A day after New Year is the day to Write First, when people write their hopes and dreams for the new year.
3. Emancipation Day
The 1960s, and defiantly celebrated in Africa.
2. Auld Lang Syne
"Auld Lang Syne" has been called the best-known songs that cut no one who knew the words. But this year, we will know! Written by Robert Burns and was first published after his death in 1796, the song became an instant requirement / necessity in 1929 when Guy Lombardo and Royal Canadians playing at New Year's Eve, broadcast from the Waldorf Astoria in New York City. The title literally means "Old Long Time." with a rough translation, here are the words:
Should old acquaintance be forgot, and never Brought to mind?
Should old acquaintance be forgot, and days of Auld Lang Syne?
For Auld Lang Syne, my dear, for Auld Lang Syne.
We'll take a cup of Kindness yet, for days of Auld Lang Syne.
We two have run around the hills
And pulled the daisies fine.
But we've wandered many a foot Weary
Since the days of Auld Lang Syne.
We two have paddled in the stream
From Morn till the sun was down.
Seas Between Us But two have roared
Since days of Auld Lang Syne.
So here's a hand my Trusty friend.
Give us a hand of thine.
We'll take a good will drink again
For Auld Lang Syne.
1. First Baby
Using a baby to symbolize a new year has been controversial since its inception. Many cities are watching and paying attention to the first baby born in the new year, the baby will be prizes from local merchants and a lot of media attention. But baby diparadekan on the streets is not approved of ibu2 in Greece from 600 BC. Orang2 Egyptians also used a baby to symbolize the birth of the new year. People who are Christians in earlier times also do not agree with these practices, but eventually the popularity parade menghilankan disagreement was, and remains one of the most populer.Sekarang symbol, the infant is applied laki2 traditional diaper with a belt that reads the next new year number
10 The tradition of New Year Celebration in the World's Most Unique
Reviewed by Nona Lia
2:28 AM