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The first mouse created

In the rapid developments of today, where the computer has entered into a share aspects of life, both for groups and individual companies. You must already know right? tool commonly called "kotikus" or in the Indonesian language is called "mouse". You also must usually use it in your home computer. Yes ... this tool is helpful to operate your computer, your computer may be able to walk only with a keyboard and no mouse. But of course it is very difficult to use, especially for those of you who have not proficient in the use of keyboard shortcuts. By using the mouse, we could directly select the image object / icon that will be our gunanak program.

But, you know what form that created the first mouse to the computer?

First mouse invented by Douglas Engelbart in 1964, at the time he worked at Stanford Research Institute. He also gave a big hand in creating the first Internet network in the world. created a mouse that is made of wood with a button on top and two wheels underneath.

Engelbart and his company leader Bill get a patent in 1970 for "XY position indicator for a display system," or "XY position indicator for the display system." Which given the name "mouse" or "mouse" because the cable that comes out of the rear similar to the real rat tail. in 2000 he received the National Medal of Technology to develop a mouse and helped develop the hypertext.

For more details, see the video below :)

The first mouse created Reviewed by Tamz on 5:28 PM Rating: 5
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