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Wayang kulit

Wayang kulit is the traditional art of Indonesia, which is mainly developed in Java.  Shadow puppets played by a puppeteer who is also the narrator's dialogue puppet figures, accompanied by gamelan music played by a group of nayaga and songs sung by the singer.  Dalang behind the wayang kulit play screen, the screen is made of white cloth, while the electric lights flashed behind him or oil lamp (blencong), so that the spectators who were on the other side of the screen can see the shadow puppet that falls into the screen.  In order to understand the story of wayang (play), the audience must have knowledge of the characters that shadow puppets on the screen.

In general, the puppet takes the story from the Mahabharata and Ramayana manuscript, but not be limited only by the grip (standard), the ki mastermind could also play a play carangan (composition).  Some stories were taken from the Panji stories.

Leather puppet show has been recognized by UNESCO on November 7, 2003, as an amazing work culture in the field of narrative story and legacy of beautiful and valuable (Masterpiece of Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity).  Shadow puppets are more popular in central and eastern Java, while the puppet show is more often played in West Java
The types of Wayang Kulit By Region

* Wayang Kulit Yogyakarta Gagrag
* Gagrag Surakarta, Wayang Kulit
* Wayang Kulit Gagrag Banyumasan
* Wayang Bali
* Wayang Kulit Banjar (South Kalimantan)
* Wayang Palembang (South Sumatra)
* Puppet Betawi (Jakarta)
* Puppet Cirebon (West Java)
* Puppet Madura (now extinct)
* Wayang Siam

Dalang Wayang Kulit

Shadow play puppeteers who reached the top of glory and a legend among others, the late Ki Narto Sabdo (Semarang), the late Ki Surono (Banjarnegara), Ki Timbul Hadi Prayitno, the late Ki Hadi Sugito (Kulonprogo, Jogjakarta), Ki Anom Suroto, Ki Manteb Sudarsono  , Ki Enthus Susmono.  While the legendary Pesinden Tjondrolukito Nyi is deceased.

Dewa-Dewi puppet

Deities in the world of wayang is a god-goddess who appears in the mythology of Hinduism in India, and was adapted by Javanese culture.

The Krishna
Well this is the figure the most I like hahaha ...


1.  Sang Hyang Adhama
2.  Sang Hyang Sita
3.  Sang Hyang Nurcahya
4.  Sang Hyang Nurrasa
5.  Sang Hyang Wenang
6.  Sang Hyang Tunggal
7.  Sang Hyang Rancasan
8.  Sang Hyang Ismaya
9.  Sang Hyang Manikmaya
10.  Batara Bayu
11.  Batara Brahma
12.  Batara Chandra
13.  Guru
14.  Batara Indra
15.  Batara Kala
16.  Batara Krishna
17.  Batara Kamajaya
18.  Batara Narada
19.  Batara Surya
20.  Batara Vishnu
21.  Batara Yamadipati
22.  Goddess Durga
23.  Batara Kuwera
24.  Batara Cingkarabala
25.  Batara Balaupata
26.  Hyang Patuk
27.  Hyamh Temboro

Krishna was so liked the same, so I make my facebook profile picture .... haha ...

List of puppet characters who appear in the story of Wayang Purwa (RA Kosasih)

Ramayana characters in Javanese wayang culture is taken and adapted from Hindu Mythology in India.

1.  Anggada
2.  Anila
3.  Anjani
4.  Dasarata
5.  Jatayu Garuda
6.  Hanuman
7.  Indrajit
8.  Jatayu
9.  Jembawan
10.  Kosalya
11.  Kumbhakarna
12.  Aswanikumba
13.  Kumba-basin
14.  Lakshmana
15.  Parasurama
16.  Prahastha
17.  Rama Wijaya
18.  Somali King
19.  Rawana
20.  Satrugna
21.  Confiscation
22.  Goddess Windradi
23.  Subali
24.  Sugriwa
25.  Sumitra
26.  Surpanaka (Sarpakenaka)
27.  Trikaya
28.  Trijata
29.  Trinetra
30.  Trisirah
31.  Gunawan Wibisana
32.  Wilkataksini


Mahabharata characters in Javanese wayang culture is taken and adapted from Hindu Mythology in India.


1.  Abhimanyu
2.  Resi Abyasa
3.  Antareja
4.  Antasena
5.  Arjuna
6.  Aswatama
7.  Balarama
8.  Basupati
9.  Vasudeva
10.  Bhishma
11.  Bima
12.  Burisrawa
13.  Cakil
14.  Citraksa
15.  Citraksi
16.  Citrayuda
17.  Citramarma
18.  Damayanti
19.  Drona (Drona)
20.  Drestadyumna
21.  Drestarastra
22.  Draupadi
23.  Durgandana
24.  Durmagati
25.  Dursala (Dursilawati)
26.  Dursasana
27.  Dursilawati
28.  Duryodhana (Suyodana)
29.  Drupada
30.  Ekalawya
31.  Gatotkaca
32.  Gandabayu
33.  Gandamana
34.  Gandawati
35.  Indra
36.  Janamejaya
37.  Jayadratha
38.  Karna
39.  Kencakarupa
40.  Kretawarma
41.  Krepa
42.  Krishna
43.  Kunti
44.  Madrim
45.  Manumayasa
46.  Matswapati
47.  Nakul
48.  Nala
49.  Niwatakawaca
50.  Pandu Dewanata
51.  Parasara
52.  Parikesit
53.  Rukma
54.  Rupakenca
55.  Sadewa
56.  Sakri
57.  Sakutrem
58.  Salya
59.  Sangkuni
60.  Sanjaya
61.  Santanu
62.  Setyajid
63.  Setyaboma
64.  Satyaki
65.  Sanga-sanga
66.  Satyawati
67.  Heroine
68.  Subhadra
69.  Tirtanata
70.  Seta
71.  Udawa
72.  North
73.  Wratsangka
74.  Wesampayana
75.  Vidura
76.  Wisanggeni
77.  Yudhisthira
78.  Yuyutsu


Clown-servants are loyal aides and caregivers Pandavas.  In the shadow puppets, clown-servants are most often appear in goro-goro, namely round pertujukan which often contain a joke or discourse.
Version of Central Java and East Java, wayang kulit / puppet man

1.  Semar
2.  Gareng
3.  Petruk
4.  Cumbersome

Anom Suroto
Version Banyumas, leather puppet / puppet man

1.  Semarsemorodewo
2.  Garengnolo
3.  Petrukkanthong
4.  Baworcarub

West Java version, puppet show

1.  Semar
2.  Cepot or Astrajingga
3.  Dawala
4.  Gareng


1.  Tualen
2.  Merdah
3.  Sangut
4.  Delem

Friend the clown-servants

1.  Togog
2.  Bilung
3.  Limbuk
4.  Cangik

Heritage in Wayang Java / Sunda

* Heritage Hyang Kalimusada
Wayang kulit Reviewed by Nona Lia on 10:29 PM Rating: 5
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