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Why Salty Tears, Bitter Water Ear and Mouth Fresh Water?

[Image: eye_ear_mouth.gif]
Not many people know or realize the magic of what we had: tears, ear, and saliva. This scientific fact is sometimes overlooked, even though all three have different functions that are created so by the Creator so that we can live very well.

Salty taste of TearsTears taste salty because it implies that includes leusinenkefalin, adrenocorticotropic, and prolactin and some electrolytes, protein and fat binding immunoglobulin A collectively produce taste salty.

Where is the main function is to maintain the condition of the whole eye in order to remain stable. Fat-binding proteins themselves make the outermost layer consisting of layers of fat that works to protect the eye moisture intact.

Water Ear Bitter tasteBitter water to our ears, is actually a result of secretion from the glands in the ear that is alkaline and sticky. Secretion which allows the ear hole was open and without cover when inaccessible by insects or other small creatures to make them can not bear to linger in it and get out of the ear.

Sticky liquid that tends to make small objects that enter tend to be trapped and can be issued as earwax.

Fresh saliva tasteSaliva we did taste fresh. This is because the function thereof is related to the taste of the food we eat. Can you imagine if we changed saliva taste? Very, very uncomfortable at all sure in time to eat food.

This, too, would you feel when you are sick. Drinking fresh water also taste bitter. Very uncomfortable. Saliva contains several proteins and enzymes and antibacterial substances.

At the time you get sick, the content of the saliva changed such that the composition of it tends to produce a slightly alkaline fluid. This is why you feel the bitter taste when sick and very uncomfortable at times eat food.
Why Salty Tears, Bitter Water Ear and Mouth Fresh Water? Reviewed by Nona Lia on 6:58 AM Rating: 5
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