This is the City Hidden in the Cave Aged 800 Years!
Vardzia city name, located on the border of Georgia in Eastern Europe with Western Asia. The city has 13 levels and consists of 6,000 buildings! The building was formerly built by a queen from Georgia was 25, named Tamar. Used sebgai hideout priests who were attacked by the Mongols.
Gan kicker, now to go to this hidden city, we must pass through a secret tunnel that started in a river. For hundreds of years, no one knows if the city is inhabited by priests escape from the Mongols. Unfortunately, the earthquake in 1283 collapsed in most buildings. But now there are several generations of these pastors who are still living here. Wow!
Gan kicker, now to go to this hidden city, we must pass through a secret tunnel that started in a river. For hundreds of years, no one knows if the city is inhabited by priests escape from the Mongols. Unfortunately, the earthquake in 1283 collapsed in most buildings. But now there are several generations of these pastors who are still living here. Wow!
This is the City Hidden in the Cave Aged 800 Years!
Reviewed by Nona Lia
1:20 AM