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What Happens If There Origami Paper Inside Bones Beast?

origame What Happens If There Origami Paper Inside Bones Beast?
Takayuki Hori create origami artist ( Oritsunagumono ) with translucent material ' translucent ' and filled with animal skeletons you want to create origaminya.

" Materials are then folded into animal shapes. Origami may seem stiff and creepy, that's art! anything weird and unique will always be beautiful to see the eye " said a judge for the event.

Origami is a winner in the event of Mitsubishi Chemical Junior Designer Award in 2010.

Mitsubishi Chemical Junior Designer Award Takayuki Hori 1 What Happens If There Origami Paper Inside Bones Beast?

Mitsubishi Chemical Junior Designer Award Takayuki Hori 2 What Happens If There Origami Paper Inside Bones Beast?

Mitsubishi Chemical Junior Designer Award Takayuki Hori 4 425x293 What Happens If There Origami Paper Inside Bones Beast?

Origami plus skeletons What Happens If There Origami Paper Inside Bones Beast?

Origami plus skeletons 1 What Happens If There Origami Paper Inside Bones Beast?

Origami plus skeletons 2 What Happens If There Origami Paper Inside Bones Beast?

Origami plus skeletons 1 What Happens If There Origami Paper Inside Bones Beast?

oritsunagumono7 What Happens If There Origami Paper Inside Bones Beast?

What Happens If There Origami Paper Inside Bones Beast? Reviewed by fachrifaul on 9:23 AM Rating: 5
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