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Most populous city in the world and the largest city in the world's Drug Trade

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Located between the districts of São Conrado and Gávea in Rio de Janeiro, Rocinha in Portuguese means small farm is the largest slum or "Favela" in South America. His position on the edge of the hill in the distance of one kilometer from the beach, Rocinha was once a small settlement that developed quickly into a dense slum environments. But you will find him a little bit better than the others because the buildings here are made of brick and equipped with water supply, sanitation, and other public facilities.

What makes Rocinha potentially dangerous location for a stay is due to rampant trade in illegal drugs here. It is often triggered the fight between genk not to mention the persecution by the police who make the stop and stay in this place is very risky. The population here as high as 100,000 head, which is lower economic groups with high mortality. Moreover, Rocinha is built on steep hillsides prone to landslides and floods.
Most populous city in the world and the largest city in the world's Drug Trade Reviewed by Nona Lia on 8:40 AM Rating: 5
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